Upsidedown and RightLeft bar gauges

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Upsidedown and RightLeft bar gauges

Post by dberezowski » Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:05 pm

I apologize in advance if the solution is obvious. I need to show a bar graph that has a height of zero at a specified "center" value. If the number is greater, the bar rises from the center to the top. If the number is lower, the bar lowers from the center to the bottom. I need to accomplish the same thing for left/right. Any ideas?
Enovation Controls Development
Enovation Controls Development
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Re: Upsidedown and RightLeft bar gauges

Post by ksaenz » Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:58 pm

Hello dberezowski,

Try using two bar gauges, the top/right one going from from 0 to MAX and the bottom/left one going from MIN to 0. You might need to "reverse" the bottom/left bar gauges.


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Re: Upsidedown and RightLeft bar gauges

Post by dberezowski » Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:26 am

Thanks for responding. I suspect I did not explain what I am trying to do very well. Let me try again.

When the value is 1024 to 2047, the bar has to move up from the center of the screen. Thus when the value is 1024, the bar graph is empty. When the value is 2047, the bar graph is full scale. This works great.

Now the tricky part. When the value is 1024 to 0, the bar has to move down from the center of the screen. Thus when the value is 1024, the bar graphic is empty. When the value is 0, the bar graph is full. Note that this bar graph moves in a down direction from the center. Imagine that one took a standard bar graph operation and flipped it vertically. I have tried a number of combinations of your suggestion but have not been able to achieve the desired results.
Enovation Controls Development
Enovation Controls Development
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Re: Upsidedown and RightLeft bar gauges

Post by ksaenz » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:15 pm

Ok, I think I got it now.

I attached a configuration with a couple of examples.

In both examples the top bar is setup normally with a min of 1024 and a max of 2048.

The bottom bars are different.

For the left bottom bar I just switched the background and bar colors and it looks like the bar is filling down as it goes from 1024 to 0.

For the right bottom bar first I added a negative unit (raw-) in the Database\Unit Conversion section and I also added a unit conversion from the positive units to the negative units (raw to raw-). I selected the negative units for the bar gauge, set the minimum to -1024 and the maximum to 0, and checked the "reversed" box.

When they are working both examples look the same.


Bar gauge up
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