Free Form CAN Message - Units?

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Free Form CAN Message - Units?

Post by verschuren » Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:25 pm


I did set up some CAN messages in Free Form Numeric Messages and I would like to assign a measuring unit to this variable. Is there any way this is possible or do I have to create a new variable with a calculation event? This would give me freedom to choose a unit, but is a bit cumbersome.
Mario Verschuren
Controls Integration
Enovation Controls Development
Enovation Controls Development
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Re: Free Form CAN Message - Units?

Post by stalley » Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:12 pm

Hello Verschuren,

You should be able to set the Units on the Free Form Can variables.

Go to Programming and select the group where your Free Form CAN variables are located, FreeFormCan is the default group. On the right you will see a list of your variables. Near the top on the right you should see a group of small icons, the binoculars, a broken link, the plus and minus buttons.

With one of your variables selected in the right panel, click on the broken link. This "unlocks" the variable. Then select the same variable on the left, now when you see the variable properties, you can select the units you need.
Sara Talley
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Enovation Controls
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Re: Free Form CAN Message - Units?

Post by verschuren » Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:08 pm

Thanks Sara, that worked great!
Mario Verschuren
Controls Integration