Screensaver PV450

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Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:50 am

Screensaver PV450

Post by mark.johns » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:18 am

I have an application I am working on for a standby generator, but would really like to dim/turn backlight off when no activity for a set period of time. Screen become live on press of a button, or awakening the screen on DM1 alarm indication or button press!
Enovation Controls Development
Enovation Controls Development
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Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:18 pm

Re: Screensaver PV450

Post by priyauplaonkar » Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:24 pm

Hello Mark,

Below is the description of how you can have a screensaver:

In the page designer:
Have a screen with black background in the overlay layer.

In the database:
New User variable to count seconds.
Calculation event to increase the number of seconds by 1.
Calculation event to reset the number of seconds to 0.
New User variable to hold the target number of seconds
New User variable to hold the day brightness
Calculation event to copy
New User variable to hold the night brightness
Calculation event to copy brightness.night
Existing User variable
New calculation event to set the brightness to 0
New calculation event to copy the brightness back from the held
Existing User variable brightness.night
New calculation event to copy the brightness back from the held brightness.night.

In Programming:
Make a state machine with 2 states
First State
Have a transition loop to itself with a 1000 ms timer.
Have a transition to the second state with an event condition that the counter is greater than or equal to the target.
On enter
Start the timer
Check the condition
Increment the counter.
On exit
Cancel the timer.
Second state
Have a transition back to the first state. Fire this transition from every button in the black screen
On enter
Copy to the holding variable.
Copy brightness.night to the holding variable.
Set to 0.
Set brightness.night to 0.
Set the seconds coutner to 0.
Show the black screen view.
On exit
Restore brightness.night.
Show the empty view in the overlay layer.

This is made simple in 2.3 config tool with a Backlight ON/OFF option.

Hope it helps,

Priya Uplaonkar
FW Murphy
Test Engineer.