How do I add a Gauge Screen in 2.1 Murphy Standard Config?

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Enovation Controls Development
Enovation Controls Development
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How do I add a Gauge Screen in 2.1 Murphy Standard Config?

Post by jpurdum » Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:45 pm

[ from a customer ]
There are scripts and state machines involved in the gauge screens in the 2.1 Murphy Standard Configuration. How do I add a new gauge screen in that rotation?
Enovation Controls Development
Enovation Controls Development
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Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:19 am

Re: How do I add a Gauge Screen in 2.1 Murphy Standard Confi

Post by jpurdum » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:31 pm

We load this same configuration for our Standard product shipped off the line. Which means there are certain features we wanted in it to make it usable for the end customer if they use the PV750 as is without loading a different configuration. These features include
- returning to the last gauge screen viewed when rebooting or returning from the menu
- using the gauge screen pop-ups which become viewable when you hit the return key (lower right key)
- the end user's ability to change the home screen from the User Settings screen
- the end user's ability to disable a gauge screen from the rotation

In order to have these features, we had to write some scripts and use a state machine. In 2.0, adding a new screen to the rotation in the 2.0 standard config was admittedly very difficult. Although I wouldn't call it straight forward in 2.1, it is very much improved. The steps to do this are below...

Steps to add a Gauge screen in rotation of gauge screens in the 2.1 Murphy Standard Configuration
- make a copy of the config and give it a new name

- open the config and go to the Page Designer
- make sure the Main Layer is selected – you should see the following gauge screen already in the config
  • o Engine
    o GPS
    o GraphicDemo
    o Machine 1
    o Machine 2
    o StartupScreen
    o Transmission
    o Video
- Copy and Paste the Engine page to create your new gauge screen
  • o When you paste, it’s named the same – the second one in the list is your new screen, so rename it
    o I named mine “New Gauge Screen”, so that’s how I’ll refer to it from here
- Modify this new page however you like, except leave the buttons as they are so they act like the other gauge screens

- Select the Programming tab
- Select the State Machine “GaugeScreenGoTo”
  • o You should see an Initial state in addition to a state for each of the current gauge screens
- Add a state and call it “New Gauge Screen”
- In this state add the two actions
  • o UIApp->Show View(MainLayer.Default New Gauge Screen View)
    o CCM->Fire Event(GaugeScreenReturnToInit)
- Add a transition from Initial state to New Gauge Screen state
  • o Name this transition ShowGSNewGaugeScreen
    o Leave the “Generate Event for this transition” checked
- Add another transition from New Gauge Screen state to Initial state
  • o Uncheck “Generate Event for this transition”
    o Select the even GaugeScreenReturnToInit from the pull down list in the Name: field

- Assuming you’re going to place this screen between Engine and Transmission…
- Go to the Scripting Tab and select the script “GaugeScreenInit”
- At the top of this script you will see the enum “GaugeScreens”, add “GSNewGaugeScreen” between “GSEngine” and “GSTransmission”. It should now look like
  • enum GaugeScreens
    • GSEngine = 0,
      GSMAX // designed for 32 screens or less
- Look for the function towards the top named “GSSetupEvents”, you will see the list of current gauge screens’ handles
- Add a line for your screen such that the function now looks like
  • void GSSetupEvents()
    • gsEventHandles[GSEngine] = EventID("ShowGSEngine");
      gsEventHandles[GSNewGaugeScreen] = EventID(“ShowGSNewGaugeScreen”);
      gsEventHandles[GSTransmission] = EventID("ShowGSTransmission");
      gsEventHandles[GSMachine1] = EventID("ShowGSMachine1");
      gsEventHandles[GSMachine2] = EventID("ShowGSMachine2");
      gsEventHandles[GSGPS] = EventID("ShowGSGPS");
      gsEventHandles[GSGraphicsDemo] = EventID("ShowGSGraphicsDemo");
      gsEventHandles[GSVideo] = EventID("ShowGSVideo");
    o Where GSNewGaugeScreen matches the new gauge screen enum just above this in the script, and “ShowGSNewGaugeScreen” matches the new transition event you added to the state machine above
- with a PV750 connected, hit the button at the bottom labeled “Compile All Scripts” to test the compile
  • o If there are errors, correct them and compile again. If the compile is not successful, this will not run properly on the PV750
- one last thing: we need to add it to the lamp gauge for the end user to select it as the home screen or disable it
- go back to the Page Designer tab
- select the settings layer
- select the User Settings page
- under Screen in the table, select one of the lamp gauge elements that represent the selected screen
- under the properties window, select Go to Lamp Gauge...
- Unfortunately, this is the most tedious part of the whole process, you will need to modify all the existing ordered values to shift them down to add your screen. The easiest way is to start with the last element which should be 7 to 7, and change it to 8 to 8. Do this all the way down to changing 2 to 2 to 3 to 3.
- Now add another Text Element. Make it's range 2 to 2, and change the Text to "New Gauge Screen"

- Save, Create and Load and you should see your new screen in the rotation of gauge screens