PV750 screen shield unlock with password

Discuss issues and ideas you have to configuring displays with PowerVision

PV750 screen shield unlock with password

Post by twang » Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:46 am


I got an application from customer side who used our PV750 as the display communicated with other controller.
When controller sent a data then the whole screen will be shield(overlay) by a 800*480 size pictures . Under this occasion , they customer want to use the following action to unlock the screen:

Go back to menu -> Screen manager ( can be added unde rUtilities Menu)-> key pressed enter into Screen manager and generated a Dynamic Password (six numbers between 0~9)...

The problem is I don't know how to generate this password....

Your quick respond will be appreciated..


Re: PV750 screen shield unlock with password

Post by bseidl » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:56 am

Hello Terry

Six variables can be used to hold the six numbers.

You can use an algorithm to generate numbers for the six variables. I do not believe Angel Script has a random number generator.

Let us know if you have any more questions. Thank you!
