Hello ADE,
Seems to me you have a couple of options depending on what devices will be on the network with the display and the device with the unknown source address (within a range of addresses).
If the network will be the display, I am assuming you have a color display since mentioned scripting, and this other device, the easy way is to make the device source address 255 in the configuration. This will also work if you know that this is the only device that will transmit the particular parameters on the network. In these cases, you really don't care what the source address is, you are only interested in the parameters.
My guess is, your network is more complicated and you have multiple devices transmitting the same paramters and the display needs to know where they are coming from. Depending on the number of parameters and range of addresses (5 or 25?) in question, you could have a device in the configuration for each source address with a script that scans for the active parameter to display/process.
Then, there is using the FreeForm CAN receive and scripting everything. There is a forum topic that discusses using the raw data packets here
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1084. There is a very simple example in one of the posts that might be helpful also.
This is how I see your options. Maybe others have some ideas also.