SPN difference and matching with PV450

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SPN difference and matching with PV450

Post by cjseong » Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:19 am


Our customer say the SPN number for "Total engine hour" is differenct to libray in PV450.
On the libray of PV450, the SPN for engine total hours of operation is "247", but SPN in engine ECU is "1032"
In this case, is it possible to maching the PV450 and ECU by changing the SPN number in Library ?

Thanks for your help.
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Enovation Controls Development
Enovation Controls Development
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Re: SPN difference and matching with PV450

Post by stalley » Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:11 am

Hello cjseong,

Yes, you certainly can. That is the wonderful part of using PowerVision Configuration Studio with your displays!

You will need to add the definition for the SPN 1032 to your configuration library, replace the SPN 247 with the SPN 1032 on the ECU device. Then you need to find all of the places where the SPN 247 is used and replace those references with the SPN 1032.

The process is fairly simple. If you have additional questions, I'll be glad to help.
Sara Talley
Software Engineer
Enovation Controls