We have the controls to put you in charge. When prime, back-up and standby power applications need solutions that are always on call, Murphy-brand high performance battery chargers and devices are up to the task. Whether it’s generators, fire-pumps, or other critical engine-driven equipment, we’ve got you covered.
Murphy offer rugged and flexible controls for all levels of power generation systems. From our simple Keystart / CANstart™ modules and gauge systems, through to our advanced battery chargers and displays, Murphy have proven and reliable solutions for your genset application.

Take your integration to the next level with superior control, enhanced diagnostics and increased efficiency. Our rugged power distribution, CAN I/O and fan control modules are designed to complete any system for total equipment control.

Legacy Products
A curated collection of timeless solutions that transcend trends. Whether less popular or outdated, these offerings remain available for purchase, some even ranking among our top sellers. With over 70 years of expertise, we provides cost-effective products for monitoring and controlling pumps, generators, and more. Trust in our legacy to deliver reliable, tailored solutions that have stood the test of time in industrial operations.