Posted on: October 13th, 2021 by Barn3s

Kimura Corporation

Posted on: October 13th, 2021 by Barn3s

Hague Equipment Company

Posted on: October 12th, 2021 by Barn3s

Hague Equipment Company was originally founded in Evansville Indiana (circa 1955), becoming one of the first distributors for entrepreneur Frank W. “Pat” Murphy, and his revolutionary “Murphy Safety Switch” Swichgage®. After opening branches in Pennsylvania, and Michigan in the 1970’s the business was sold in 1987 to current owner, and company president Gerald L. Peal, forming the Hague Equipment Company of Michigan, Inc. Over the next several decades the business experienced steady growth as the original product lines, and services were expanded to include additional pump brands, chemical injection systems, air & gas compressors, vapor recovery units, dehydration, artificial gas well lift systems, fiberglass oil & gas piping, filtration, control and safety relief valves, fluid & gas metering, lubrication, instrumentation, engine automation, ignition, emissions controls, catalytic converters, and many others.

Global Engine Controls

Posted on: October 12th, 2021 by Barn3s

Espartec, S.A. de C.V.

Posted on: October 12th, 2021 by Barn3s

Compañía dedicada a proteger y controlar motores, procesos y maquinas. Nuestro enfoque va desde la asistencia técnica hasta la puesta en operación en el sitio o la planta. Nos especializamos en integrar la mejor solución en los sistemas de control, para ser efectivos a las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Desde el diseño y la fabricación del hadware, software, telecomunicaciones, rastreo y monitoreo. Tenemos el distintivo de ser distribuidores exclusivos en México.

Cross Company

Posted on: October 11th, 2021 by Barn3s

Controls Integration

Posted on: October 11th, 2021 by Barn3s

Our engineer team is completely dedicated to the success of your project. Our control module and display software is completely custom made, we take the time to create something unique for your company. We start with your ideas, goals, and needs. The displays and modules are CAN based and Tier4/Euro Stage IV ready. Displays from Controls Integration can be fully customized to your needs. We can configure the display based on what you decide. We are able to match your business colors and logo. You can choose from monochrome to full color touchscreen displays. We can customize the module such as create service alerts, monitor additional parameters, diagnostic codes, create emergency shut offs and much more. Our products work on mechanical and electrical engines. Our team is ready to help you with whatever you need. If you can dream it our engineers can make it a reality.

Bailey Motor Equipment Co.

Posted on: October 11th, 2021 by Barn3s

Bailey Motor Equipment Co. is a distributor of controls and instrumentation solutions throughout the Southeastern US, Caribbean, Central & South Americas. They have partnered with Murphy by Enovation Controls since the 1940’s and have an extensive knowledge to support the growth of your business. Contact Bailey Motor Equipment Co. today to learn how they can help you to create the most effective solution for your application.