Archive for July 24th, 2024

Ensuring Superior Quality

Posted on: July 24th, 2024 by Kati Zumwalt

At Enovation Controls, we are committed to delivering the highest quality products to our customers. To achieve this, we faced a critical need: our circuit boards required 99.999% pure gaseous nitrogen to prevent oxidation during soldering. Our previous reliance on bulk liquid nitrogen, which was inefficient to convert to gas, impacted both production quality and efficiency.

To address this, we introduced an advanced nitrogen generation system. This innovative setup filters compressed air to achieve the required purity, ensuring a seamless nitrogen supply directly to the production floor. The result? A continuous, uninterrupted workflow and significant improvements in product quality.

Launched in April 2023, this system not only enhances our operational efficiency but also underscores our dedication to excellence and innovation. By investing in cutting-edge technology, we are able to produce better products for you, our valued customers. This upgrade reflects our commitment to setting new industry standards for quality and sustainability.